About Us

Guaní Press is a new publishing house intended to give voice to members of the Indigenous peoples of the continents named America in the recent past, without excluding the voice of members of First Nations from other parts of the world. It will also welcome non-Indigenous authors who write about issues of indigeneity to broaden and enrich the message from those native voices, and to critically re-evaluate history from the perspective of first settlers.
Guaní will try to publish works that reflect principles shared by much of the Indigenous world, such as holistic knowledge, the interrelation of everything, both animate and inanimate, as well as the visible and the invisible. That nature is sacred, that land is an integral part of identity and culture, that there are different ways of learning, and also different realities, and that there are other valid scientific approaches, besides the Western scientific method, for understanding and interpreting the universe.
We hope that Guaní becomes a place of dialogue and celebration of Indigenous cultures and that through our publications we can serve as a door to a world rich in values and wisdom and also with medical, cultural, political and social knowledge worth learning from.
About the Guaní
The guaní, or hummingbird, is among the smallest of birds, and also among the most beautiful. It is also extremely territorial, very fast, not easily intimidated and, considering its size, among the fiercest of all birds. There are over 360 species of hummingbirds and they cannot be found in any other landmass in the world except from northern Turtle Island to the southernmost tip of Abya Yala. Guaní, a Taíno word, was chosen as the name and symbol of our publishing company for its many roles in Amerindian culture, among them: protector, warrior, bringer of joy, fountain of energy, and announcer of visitors, and of good news.